– Brian L. Weiss
If you’re really struggling, I applaud you: you’re like a student who has elected to take AP chemistry, AP biology, AP calculus and AP world history instead of choir, wood shop, jewelry making and gym. When we’ve taken on a heavy and challenging course load, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed during final exam time, to feel like life is harder for us than others, and even to worry that we’re going to fail. Of course, it’s those students who stretch themselves to reach their full potential who end up with the greatest opportunities in the future, and so it will be with you: If you’re having a hard time appreciating the lessons life keeps sending your way, I’m here to remind you that facing huge challenges is a sign that you are bravely choosing an advanced and accelerated spiritual course load, and that all the strength and wisdom you are gaining from your experiences will end up blessing you in countless ways forevermore.