– Sanaya Roman
Over the years, I’ve developed an agreement with my own inner knowing: when someone is sharing a problem with me, if it will be helpful to them for me to speak up and offer advice, then my intuition will prod me to do so. If it won’t be helpful, then I will get no such prod and will know to remain quiet. When I’m not sure what to do, I just check within: nine times out of ten, even though I may be bursting with what I think are great insights, my inner guidance either prompts to keep quiet or to simply offer LOVE and kindness instead of my personal opinions. When I forget to check within like this, I often end up regretting that I said or failed to say something. Try it for yourself: before you leap in to try to help someone who is struggling, ask within if you should say something, and if so, what you might say that would be most beneficial. This approach stops me from automatically shifting into rescuer mode, and empowers me to fulfill my intention of being truly helpful.