– Paulo Coelho
People are awesome. Everywhere you go, there are wonderful people you’ve never met before just waiting for you to smile, make eye contact, and invite them into your life. If you’re skeptical that this is true, your cynicism may be the very thing that is keeping you from finding them. In order to meet great people, we have to expect them to be out there, for this keeps our hearts and auras open to making new connections. When you are feeling down on the world, I recommend you watch this video, for it will remind you that people really are fun and delightful, and that when we unite with a shared aim, we can do extraordinary things together whether our aim is to have fun, solve problems in the community or simply co-create a relationship that is fulfilling and rewarding for everyone involved. If you’re pining after a friend of lover who has recently left your life, pine no more! Go out there and expect to meet some wonderful new people. I promise you: they are everywhere!