Daily Inspirational Message for May 11, 2013


That which does not kill us makes us stronger.
– Friedrich Nietzsche

This past winter and early spring was the worst year for illnesses like the flu that I can remember. While I almost never get sick, this year I became very ill three times, and each time it took me weeks to fully recover. Of course, I wasn’t the only one: all around me, the normally hale and hearty were coughing, sniffling, and having a miserable time. After three days of drowning in mucus and getting very little sleep, I found myself praying: Why was I so sick? What was I doing wrong? Was there something wrong with my immune system? The answer from Spirit came back quick and clear: This is HOW you get a strong immune system. You’re building immunity to something you’ve never encountered before. Suddenly, I realized that our physical immune systems and our spiritual immune systems are similar: we all find experiences that are totally new to us challenging, but after we’ve conquered them, they never bother us again. Whether you’re physically unwell or struggling emotionally, you too are in the midst of growing stronger and/or wiser, and once this challenge is behind you, you’ll be immune to it forevermore.