Daily Inspirational Message for July 8, 2013


On those days when you forgot to pack your kid’s lunch and the check bounced and you’re too fat for your good sweats and it’s raining and the carpet needs cleaning and your computer is down at work, faith will be there, reminding you of what really matters.
– Polly Campbell

I often ask myself, what’s the worst that can happen? While usually it’s nothing to freak out about, sometimes the worst that can happen is someone has died or is going to die. From the limited perspective of the physical, that is tragic and devastating. From the perspective of the soul, however, it isn’t ‘bad’ at all: in fact, nothing that we experience is truly regrettable or undesirable, for it’s all part of the big adventure we signed up for when we decided to incarnate, and it will all prove beneficial to our soul’s journey in the end. To sail through the worst life can dish out, it helps to cultivate faith in a higher plan by pondering the soul’s journey. Reading books about life between life research and near-death experiences can profoundly expand our awareness and deepen our faith in a higher plan. When we remember that there is a reason for heart-wrenching endings just as there is one for bright new beginnings, when we remember that we’ll ultimately have all the time we need to live all the experiences we want to live, and that we will see those we love again and get to have new adventures with them, all the stuff we think we can’t endure becomes more bearable. It is faith in a higher plan that sustains us when nothing else can.