Daily Inspirational Message for July 4, 2013


A person will be imprisoned in a room with a door that’s unlocked and opens inward as long as it does not occur to him to pull rather than push that door.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

We are all more free than we consciously realize, for there are endless possibilities available to us that never even cross our minds. We are also all operating under all sorts of false assumptions based on our interpretations of past events and ideas we’ve picked up from the people around us. One great way to break into greater freedom is to talk to people we might normally avoid because they seem so strange or different from us. If we try things we would normally avoid because they seem foolish, silly or crazy, if we experiment just to see what might happen, limiting beliefs and false assumptions crumble, and we discover whole new realms of possibility that have been there all the while, just waiting for us to open our minds to them.