Daily Inspirational Message for July 21, 2013


All of us have problems. We face them every day. How grateful I am that we have difficult things to wrestle with. They keep us young, they keep us alive, they keep us going, they keep us humble. Be grateful for your problems, and know that somehow there will come a solution. Just do the best you can, but be sure it is the very best.
– Gordon B. Hinckley

I have enough trouble remembering to be grateful for all my blessings, much less my problems! As I ponder this notion, however, I’m reminded of times in the past when nothing much was happening in my life – when I wasn’t really required to do anything or challenged in any way. For example, as a girl, I spent many a long summer vacation with nothing to do. I had no problems and I had endless hours to amuse myself, but instead of being happy, I was bored and ready to go back to school weeks before classes started up again. We may think that all we want is for life to be easy and demand little of us, but such a state is really only natural in early childhood and very old age. There are lots of elderly people doing nothing but sitting around, thinking back to the good old days when they had too much to do and plenty of problems to solve. From them, we might learn that having problems isn’t a bad thing, for it means we’re fully immersed in the stream of life.