Daily Inspirational Message for August 9, 2013


It is not true that people stop pursuing dreams because they grow old; they grow old because they stop pursuing dreams.
– Gabriel Garcia Marquez

When we decide to go after a big dream, it can feel like we’ve moved from standing in line to being strapped into a huge emotional roller coaster. Instead of the boredom of endlessly waiting, we find ourselves climbing to the top of a hill that seems way bigger from up high than it did on the ground, and wondering what we’ve gotten ourselves into. One moment we are brimming with excitement, and the next we are plunging in terror. It helps to keep in mind that this emotional intensity is a sign that we’re tapping into greater personal power and potential than we ever have before. Sometimes I label that feeling excitement, and sometimes I label it fear, but I think what that feeling really means is I am flowing way more life force energy than I’m used to. Though it’s unnerving, I just keep telling myself that feeling hugely alive like this is way better than feeling bored, uninspired, and tired of waiting for something exciting to happen. To stay young and vibrantly alive, we must continually summon the will and courage to do things that make our hearts beat faster.