Daily Inspirational Message for August 14, 2013


What changes are calling you? Into what will your lifestream flow with ease and joy and deliciousness?
– Nalini

When we step back from whatever is happpening in the moment and ponder the endless possibilities of the future, life suddenly seems a lot more exciting and interesting. We are all heading for all sorts of new beginnings that we can’t see from where we now stand, like new homes, jobs, careers, relationships, goals, dreams, ideas, breakthroughs, shifts and other blessings. The more we relax, smile, and assume that whatever comes up will bless us in some way, the more we open up to new possibilities. By staying loose and trusting that we are being guided, we make it far easier for the Universe to steer us toward paths that will prove even greater than the ones we’ve been consciously aiming for.