Daily Inspirational Message for August 10, 2013


The calm mind allows one to connect with the inner self, the Soul, the very source of our being. That’s where the music lives. That’s where my music comes from.
– Clarence Clemons

Most people are moving through each day simply reacting to whatever comes their way. When we embark on a conscious spiritual path, however, all of that changes. The more we shift into an altered state of consciousness and turn within to find answers and inspiration, the more we plug into our power to influence outer circumstances. It’s like the difference between listening to the radio and composing and making our own music: at some point, we stop tapping our feet to other people’s songs, and we start composing our own symphonies. By expressing the ideas, desires, dreams and visions that come to us – by inviting inspiration and taking inspired action and trusting our visions and molding them into being – we tap into our power to create what we want in our lives. It’s living from the inside out instead of the outside in, and it’s the only way I know to cultivate true personal fulfillment.