Daily Inspirational Message for December 24, 2013

“Sometimes I tease people and ask: ‘What makes you so adamant that there’s no life after death? What proof do you have? What if you found there was a life after this one, having died denying its existence?’ Those of us who undertake a spiritual discipline – of meditation, for example – come to discover many things about our own minds that we did not know before. For as our minds open more and more to the extraordinary, vast, and hitherto unsuspected existence of the nature of mind, we begin to glimpse a completely different dimension, one in which all of our assumptions about our identity and reality, which we thought we knew so well, start to dissolve, and in which the possibility of lives other than this one becomes at least likely. We begin to understand that everything we are being told by the masters about life and death, and life after death, is real.”
– Sogyal Rinpoche