“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”
– Rumi
The Universe’s law of attraction holds that as long as we focus on how oppressed, beat down, torn apart, poorly treated we are – as individuals or as a community – we will always be oppressed, beat down, torn apart, and poorly treated. Your thoughts affect your energy, and your energy only attracts more of that which you focus on and brings it into your reality. So as the empowered, magnificent being you are, give yourself the best gift you could ever possibly give – focus on what you do want rather than what you don’t, count your blessings, engage in discussions, events, projects, friendships, associations, and relationships that make you feel good, and your energy will shift in ways that will bestow blessings far beyond that which you ever thought possible. For individuals and entire communities – it works. Really. Promise. (by Kai Ravariere – Contributing Kajama Writer)