Daily Inspirational Message for April 26, 2014

kajamaflower“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.”
– Zig Ziglar

When we lose our way, often it’s because we stop doing the things that kept us on track before. If you’re inspired by a seminar, a book, a dream or a teacher, establish and maintain a daily motivator. For some, reading these messages at Kajama everyday is a way to remain spiritually awake and aware. There are infinite other ways, however, from books on tape to taking classes to daily meditation, journaling or regular involvement in an empowering group. Whatever works for you, just stick with it. When it doesn’t work anymore, innovate. We shampoo daily with carefully concocted, richly fragranced formulas designed to make our hair shiny and full of life; it only stands to reason that to keep our spirits vibrant, we have to do something to brighten them every day.