Aquarius Horoscopes


Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Affirmation for this week of ATTRACTION – “I attract people of like mind and spirit through unconditional love. What I generate out into the world returns to me, a true reflection of who I have become.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dragonfly, Color: Purple, Number: 3)

THURSDAY: Mercury’s entry into Aquarius will have you talking faster than the thoughts can come, so try to pace yourself and think before you speak! A misunderstanding with a friend or loved one could create hurt feelings under the Virgo Moon, so to avoid trouble, keep your conversations with them simple, clear and concise. Dress in white to clear annoying blocks out of your way and to help you maintain a spiritual perspective of all that is happening around you. You’ve been wrestling with a bout of insomnia for the last few days; the culprit? Something you’re eating or drinking. Start keeping a log of your daily food intake to discover how to resolve it.

KEEP IN MIND: Pay close attention to your words and actions today, as it will be easy to find yourself out of integrity with all the exciting energy afoot in the heavens!