Amazing Story Contest for the Week of June 3, 2013

Her Departed Husband Found a Way to Send Her Signs

by SnowAnn

My husband was not a real believer in afterlife communication, but he always believed in my intuition. When he was first diagnosed with cancer, he was trying to be positive, and he asked me not to tell him what my gut was saying because he wanted to believe.

Close to the time of his death, I asked him what sign I should look for when he crossed over so I would know it was him sending me a message. He didn’t have a clue what I was even talking about.

He died in November of 2003, and very shortly after his passing, I started having electrical happenings. The garbage disposal died, the furnace quit, and the strangest thing was how the scanner hooked to my office computer at work would periodically scan nothing while I was working at my desk. Our IT guy was working on my computer one day and he freaked out! That wasn’t the only office equipment to act up: the copier on the wall outside my office went crazy too, but it only did this while I was in my office. If I wasn’t there, it never happened.

I am on the budget plan for my DTE energy account, and for nearly three years, the meter read the same numbers. I never checked because I just paid the same amount every month, but DTE finally decided that something was off. They discovered that the meter stopped reading the energy use in November 2003 – exactly when my husband died. Joe may not have understood before he passed, but he sure learned how to get my attention afterward.

The Regulator wall clock in our family room stopped the night he died. To this day, it frequently stops at significant moments. This seems to happen in particular if I have a strange repair person in the house for something. Usually, it is exactly when I answer the door and let them in that the clock just stops dead. It seems Joe doesn’t want me alone in the house with strange men! I feel protected and loved by his signs, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love talking to him through Jean [Jean Maurie Puhlman] from time to time. We love her. 🙂

SnowAnn has won a free 30-minute reading with Jean Maurie Puhlman by phone, Skype or chat that will combine astrology, tarot and straight-up psychic intuition into one magnificent reading. For information on how you can win a free reading, please see below.

lisaframed2Next week’s winner will win a free 30-minute reading with Lisa Devenuto  (pictured at left), who has been an active tarot reader, dream interpreter, spiritual adviser and life coach for over 20 years. Lisa is offering an incredible deal on email reading subscriptions; subscribers get a psychic email reading every week for just $25/month. For more on that and her wonderful work in general, visit

If you’re hoping for a free psychic reading, this is a great way to win one: just share an amazing personal spiritual experience with us. Each week, we’ll pick the best story and the author of it will win a free psychic reading from the reader offering one that week. Stories should be true, amazing, and be either about you or someone you personally know. Winners will be notified by email, and winning stories will be posted here each Monday.

To enter your own story in the contest, please use the form below. (You may want to write it up first and then copy and paste it here.) We look forward to reading about your amazing spiritual experiences!

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