– Confucius
I know this sounds pretty messed up, but I find people’s struggles in life to be really moving and beautiful. I’m not happy that they are struggling, of course, but when I shift into a spiritual perspective, I’m able to see that struggle means that we are in the game: we are being stretched into new strength and wisdom; we are in the process of growing and changing; we are really ALIVE. What makes me sadder than seeing people struggle is watching people do all they can to avoid being hurt or challenged. If you’re going through a hard time right now, I wish you peace and happiness, but I also applaud you and your courage to make the most of this learning opportunity we call life. The more we struggle, the more power we tap into, the more support we garner from the Universe, and the better things are sure to get in the future. To struggle is the opposite of being stuck in a rut; it means we’re stretching our personal potential, and positive change is underway.