– Black Elk
Want to feel God right now, at this very moment? I assure you that the divine is as close to you in this moment as it ever has been and ever will be. It’s beating through your heart, seeing through your eyes, breathing through your lungs, and whispering to you RIGHT NOW. If you get very still and feel for it, you will begin to perceive it as an energy within and around you that is alive and pulsing with presence, intelligence, and love. Many spend lifetimes seeking some proof of Spirit, some undeniable demonstration of magic, something real and tangible that will erase all of their doubts and fears, all the while not knowing that the very first step toward finding what they are looking for is to realize that it’s been with them from the very beginning. When we get quiet and expand our awareness, we become aware of all sorts of wonders that normally go unnoticed. –