Daily Inspirational Quote September 26 2014

26-sep-quote"When Buddhists say, 'A bodhisattva fears not the result, but only the cause,'
they mean that we must expend the bulk of our energy planting good roots today,
rather than fretting about the plants that are already growing from the roots we planted in the past."
- Master Hsing Yunm

Sometimes when we're frustrated or overwhelmed, it's wise to just ignore the things that aren't going right and focus on creating new blessings for the future. Once we've set a creation in motion and it's gathered speed and momentum, there is only so much that can be done to affect its course. Instead of racing after a situation to try to control it, we might step back and observe its trajectory and the quality of its journey, and then align what we're setting in motion now based on what we've learned.


Daily Inspirational Quote September 26 2014

26-sep-quote"When Buddhists say, 'A bodhisattva fears not the result, but only the cause,'
they mean that we must expend the bulk of our energy planting good roots today,
rather than fretting about the plants that are already growing from the roots we planted in the past."
- Master Hsing Yunm

Sometimes when we're frustrated or overwhelmed, it's wise to just ignore the things that aren't going right and focus on creating new blessings for the future. Once we've set a creation in motion and it's gathered speed and momentum, there is only so much that can be done to affect its course. Instead of racing after a situation to try to control it, we might step back and observe its trajectory and the quality of its journey, and then align what we're setting in motion now based on what we've learned.