Daily Inspirational Quote July 18 2014

18-inspirational-quote“Kind words can be short and easy to speak,
but their echoes are truly endless.”

– Mother Theresa

When I was a little girl, I was always excited at the prospect of spending the night at my grandmother’s house, but when bedtime came, I’d start to cry and say I wanted to go home. As is common with small children, I was just scared. I did this over and over again, and my grandmother never lost patience with me. Instead, she would lay in the twin bed beside mine and reach across the expanse between us and hold my hand until I fell asleep. Now when my own little girl wants to sleep in my bed or is scared at bedtime, I remember my grandmother and I stretch myself past my own fatigue to find compassion for her. I wonder what my daughter will do when she grows up, and if my grandmother, wherever she is now, knows how far-reaching her kindness would prove to be. Through small acts of compassion, we can change people forever, and in this way ultimately affect generations we will never even meet.