Work at not needing approval from anyone
and you will be free to be who you really are.”
– Rebbe Nachman of Breslov
While we may worship youth as a culture and dread growing older, we hear all the time that life begins at forty. This is because it takes about that long for most of us to start living our own lives. Many young people choose their careers for their prestige, their friends for their popularity and their (first) spouses because their family approves of them. They often base their daily decisions on doing what will please others and avoiding anything that could garner disapproval. This approach eventually leaves us so dissatisfied that we quit caring what others think and begin asking ourselves who we really are and what life is all about. When we change like this, everything changes with us, for we’ve reached that key turning point in the spiritual evolution process when one awakens from sleepwalking through life and begins to truly live.