Daily Inspirational Message for December 8, 2013


So, the truth is, there’s not only one right path. The truth is, all paths can be made to be the right path. The truth is, that every individual has a different path. And that different path that every individual is launching incrementally – and amending constantly – that true path is known by Source and is guided by Source if you will pay attention to the way you feel.
– Abraham-Hicks

It’s okay if other people don’t understand you or agree with you. It’s even okay if they think you’re a little weird or crazy. Only you can hear the voice of Spirit whispering within you; only you have had the spiritual experiences you’ve been blessed to have; only you know the right path for you, for that is not something that can be worked out intellectually, it’s something you find by feeling and intuition. I hope you are able to make peace with feeling different, with potentially being misunderstood, and with being whoever you really are deep down inside, for it is only when we are okay with finding our own way in life that we are able to clearly hear and honor Spirit’s guidance.