Daily Inspirational Message for December 4, 2013


Life is supposed to feel good to you. You’re not here to endure trials and tribulations in order to find out how tough you really are so that you can buck up and be brave in the face of windy weather.
– Abraham-Hicks

This morning while driving, I heard the old tune Feeling Groovy by Simon and Garfunkel, and all of a sudden it hit me that I haven’t felt really groovy in a very long time. As I listened, I remembered many days in the past when I felt wholly in love with life, like the world was a magical, beautiful and wonderful place to be. For a moment, I decided that decades ago, people probably felt a lot better a lot more of the time than they do today because life was simpler and less stressful, but then it hit me: life is the same – it is individual people who change. If we want to feel good, we have to allow ourselves to feel good, expect to feel good, and look for reasons to feel good. Feeling great is an art form we can master: If we view life as an ordeal, then that’s how it will feel; if we view it as a delightful adventure, we end up feeling groovy, and embracing whatever life sends our way.