January 13 through January 19, 2025
The week opens with a Cancer full Moon, as it opposes the Capricorn Sun and turns our thoughts to security and emotional stability. The Sun will spend its last week in Capricorn, encouraging us to organize, strategize, and map out a plan of action for the coming months. Let’s focus our energy on the home front under Monday’s Cancer full Moon, clearing clutter, setting up new schedules, and making a fresh start for the year. The Sun will glow in Leo on Tuesday and Wednesday, reminding us to be generous of heart and spirit, as well as encouraging us to be more loving and nurturing to ourselves. Details, details! That’s the theme from Thursday through Saturday as the Moon heightens our focus and comprehension skills, urging us to put the final touches on any projects we are ready to complete while mapping out information for the new activities we’re planning for the months ahead. The Sun will move into electric Aquarius on Sunday, inspiring us to connect with friends and loved ones, as we prepare to enter a four-week cycle of inventiveness, inspiration and surprises!