Weekly Astrological Forecast for February 10 through February 16, 2025

February 10 through February 16, 2025

We'll be running on high energy the first three days of the week, as the Moon dances through Leo and waxes full on Wednesday. This full Moon in particular opposes the Aquarius Sun, signaling a time of reviewing and releasing anything that stands in the way of our forward progress and dreams. Letting go of outdated ideas, cultivating an open mind, and seeking out new approaches to old problems are a hallmark of this particular full Moon. Our thoughts will turn to detailed projects and organizational methods as the Moon moves through Virgo on Thursday and Friday. Mercury will move into the watery sign of Pisces on Friday, turning our thoughts to the mystical, the magical, and the mysterious as it takes us into a deeper realm of the soul. The weekend unfolds under a lovely Libra Moon, calling for socializing, fun, and restoring balance to our personal worlds.