January 22 through January 28, 2024
We'll experience lots of astrological shifts this week, as three planetary events shift our focus and raise our awareness. Venus will move into Capricorn on Tuesday, and could inspire a personal or home makeover. Venus isn't really concerned with your budget, and could have you spending lots of money to revise your world to reflect the new year and new you coming into view! We'll have a full Moon in Leo on Thursday, which is also a more self-focused event, though because full Moons represent release, could have you clearing out closets and clutter to make room for new purchase down the road. Uranus will turn direct on Friday after five months of backward motion, and because it is the planet that rules Aquarius, again we'll be looking at what changes we can make to create a more perfect world. Upgrading or revising our friendships and relationships could be a theme under this aspect, so if it's time to let go of connections that are draining you or go in search of new friends, this next three months are great for clearing out and restocking your social "closet."