• Weekly Astrological Forecast for July 8 through July 14, 2024
    July 8 through July 14, 2024 Things hum along pretty smoothly this week, with the only astrological change being Venus’ move into Leo on Thursday. Venus loves to show off her drama and flair under this sign, making for some fun and unexpected joys to emerge! The Moon moves into Leo on Monday, bringing out our generous and caring sides. It can also bring out hidden ego desires, so be careful to think before you speak! The Moon will move through Virgo Tuesday through Thursday, calling on us to pay closer attention to detail, get organized, and make sure everyone around us has what they need. It’s also the ideal time to address health or computer issues, as these activities are ruled by Virgo. Venus will move into Leo on Thursday, encouraging us to change things up and shine a light on our uniqueness. Want to dye your hair blue? Sure, why not? Balance will be the theme as the Moon moves through Libra on Friday and Saturday, while spirituality and metaphysics will rule the day under ... Read More
    Dominique Kajama featured Psychic of the week is Dominique. Dominique specializes in astrology, tarot, and intuition in her readings. She is committed to expanding your well-being and clarity, with spirit’s help. Increase your happiness, joy, authenticity, prosperity, success, expansion, and well-being with Dominique’s insight and guidance. Schedule a reading, check out her free ... Read More

  • Your Tickets to Past Life Exploration
    Your Tickets to Past Life Exploration, by Judith Marshall (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) For many of us, travel is the spice of life. The comfort and security of home are important, but the unfamiliar stirs the soul. Travel in the physical world offers insight, freedom, and expansion. Travel within—the journey of the spirit—provides the same, especially when exploring ... Read More
  • The Top 7 Mistakes to Avoid If You Want to Heal
    The Top 7 Mistakes to Avoid If You Want to Heal, by RJ Spina (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) All of us, at one point or another, will face a debilitating and possibly life-threatening health challenge. It could be mental, emotional, physical, or even spiritual. Sometimes our energetic imbalance manifests as a combination of these things. How your dis-harmony presents ... Read More
  • 10 Signs of Unresolved Past Lives
    10 Signs of Unresolved Past Lives, by Karen Joy (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Imagine you have been carrying a load for so long that you’ve gotten used to it. Unaware of the burden, you struggle along, fatigued, disenchanted, tripping over obstacles, and sometimes feeling like giving up all together. When you finally realise you are encumbered with this burden, a ... Read More

  • Double Vision: Can Empathy Lead Us to Falsely Fall in Love?
    I am very empathic, and think I have the ability to “assume people’s emotions.” When someone loves me, I love them, and when someone is sad, I become sad. At times it’s hard to differentiate my own feelings from others’ feelings. I’ve just started to realize that in the past, I have gotten into relationships only because I felt the attraction the other person ... Read More

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