November 28 through December 4, 2022
We'll need to practice flexibility on Monday and Tuesday as the Moon travels through Aquarius and upends our plans on an hourly basis. Take heart though, as the disruptions and shifts are bound to work in our favor, eventually! A Pisces Moon will put us in a more spiritual and reflective mood on Wednesday and Thursday, encouraging us to step back and take a look at the bigger picture in regards to what is happening in our lives. Our most productive days of the week will be Friday and Saturday, as the Moon charges through assertive Aries and allows us to catch up on anything that slipped through the cracks at the start of the week. Neptune will turn direct on Saturday, ending a five-month cycle of retrograde movement and allowing our intuition and spiritual sides to thrive! A Taurus Moon hangs overhead on Sunday, encouraging us to take care of our physical bodies and restore balance to our personal surroundings.