March 28 through April 3, 2022
This week hums along pretty smoothly, marked by a new Moon in Aries on Friday. Expect the unexpected as the Moon travels through Aquarius on Monday though, so to move through the day most effectively, avoid making any set-in-stone plans and let the Universe direct traffic. We'll drift along under Tuesday and Wednesday's Pisces Moon, tending toward more day dreaming or fantasizing than work, so don't be too hard on yourself if you don't get much done. The Moon will move into assertive Aries on Thursday, reaching new Moon status on Friday, and instilling us with more energy and drive than we have had all week! The weekend is the perfect time for spring cleaning, turning over the earth to start your spring garden or gathering objects for a future garage sale, as the Taurus Moon encourages physical movement and efforts that show tangible progress once you're done! Whatever you decide you need to attend to this week, take care with your back and lift from the knees!