• Weekly Astrological Forecast for September 2 through September 8, 2024
    September 2 through September 8, 2024 Monday’s Virgo new Moon sets the stage for progress over the next two weeks, spurring us on to dive head first into new projects and dreams. With the Moon in Virgo on Monday and Tuesday, these are the best days of the week to get things done, as a productive vibe hangs in the air. Mars will enter Cancer on Wednesday and travel through this emotional sign for the next two months. Because Mars is the planet of outer action and Cancer is a sign of internal processing, we may find it difficult to move in any tangible direction during this time. The good news is that Mars will find a way to transform us from within, which is sure to manifest outer growth and progress in the process. The Moon will dance through balancing Libra Wednesday through Friday, allowing us to restore order to anything in our world that is out of sync. It’s also ideal for nurturing our closest relationships. The Moon will spend the weekend in Scorpio, encouraging ... Read More
    Dominique Kajama featured Psychic of the week is Dominique. Dominique specializes in astrology, tarot, and intuition in her readings. She is committed to expanding your well-being and clarity, with spirit’s help. Increase your happiness, joy, authenticity, prosperity, success, expansion, and well-being with Dominique’s insight and guidance. Schedule a reading, check out her free ... Read More

  • February 2016 Numerological ForecastThe Gifts Behind Names: Chaldean Numerology Unwraps the Mystery
    The Gifts Behind Names: Chaldean Numerology Unwraps the Mystery, by Heather Alicia Lagan (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Chaldean numerology has traveled a rather bumpy road since its birth in ancient Mesopotamia thousands of years ago. In later years, for a variety of reasons, people needed a simpler system to work with—and thus, Chaldean suffered an NDE (metaphorically ... Read More
  • On Wings of Change: The Dragon in Celtic Magic
    On Wings of Change: The Dragon in Celtic Magic, by Kristoffer Hughes (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Classical Latin writers specified that a “Draco” (which forms the origin of the modern word Dragon) referred to an unspecified or uncategorized serpent. The British Celtic name for Dragon, Dreig, continues to be used to this day in the modern Welsh language and ... Read More
  • Sacred Fire
    Sacred Fire, by Ellen Evert Hopman (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) The Goddess in the Sun Modern Paganism is heavily influenced by Greek and Roman mythology, and as a result certain assumptions are made, such as the idea that the Sun is male and the Moon female. A careful study of indigenous traditions will reveal that this wasn’t true for many—or possibly ... Read More

  • Double Vision: Soul Retrieval to Heal Old Abuse?
    I have a question about my path with abuse. I grew up knowing about the divinity available, but I was paralyzed by fear and pain because of the sexual abuse I experienced. As this is sadly a common experience among women, I decided to volunteer for a related organization. What is it about women who experience this trauma as opposed to those who do not? I somehow feel I chose this challenge to ... Read More

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