The ABC Academy for Spiritual Development with Jennifer Jean
"Ascension Bridge Connection"
I've always wanted to train people to do the work I do because I'm really passionate about making spiritual connections. I truly believe everyone has their own unique gifts and if shared in a supportive community, they are all the more powerful!
My own training was an eye opening experience and helped to hone my gifts to the level they are at today. I was born a natural intuitive, but I needed help to really tap into the source and understand how to focus my energies in a positive and constructive direction. I also learned the art of Mediumship. I attended many seances in my training (not spooky like you see in the movies!) which helped me practice giving and receiving messages from Spirit in a safe and protected environment. It is my deepest wish to pass this tradition on to my students and to also make it inspiring and fun!
When I was trying to come up with a name for my program, I took a walk on the nearby beach for inspiration, which I often do. I approached the beach access walkway and heard the initials "ABC." Yes, the program should be simple to understand and effective. When I listened more closely, I heard the words "Ascension Bridge Connection." These words seemed to tap into the idea of elevating our consciousness to communicate with Spirit and my teachings would provide that "bridge." I went home immediately to write it down so I wouldn't forget it. Researching further, I found that the Ascension Bridge is a term used to signify a channel of light moving up the spine to gain higher awareness. It draws in higher energies that nourish the Body, Mind and Spirit. When this energy travels through our consciousness, it purifies our intentions and makes room for greater development and spiritual light. As a result, one can feel uplifted, clearer about their intentions, and more certain about who they are and why they are here.
So it is with this name that I created a program just for you! We will begin with an Intuition 101 course that will be offered frequently to provide the basics for intuitive development. Everyone will be required to take this course to move on to the other levels. Even if you have taken a similar course, it will contain information you will revisit time and again to make that fundamental connection to self and establish better connections to the material world.
Additional classes will soon be added to include:Â working with guides, auras, the chakra system, mediumship and more...
Welcome to the Ascension Bridge Connection....I can't wait to see you in class!
For more information and to register for classes, please visit: