• Weekly Astrological Forecast for December 23 through December 29, 2024
    December 23 through December 29, 2024 The Libra Moon will set the tone for the first two days of the week, casting a calm and peaceful mood over all our activities. Relationships will thrive and our appreciation of the gifts they bring into our lives will deepen. Wednesday and Thursday’s Scorpio Moon will highlight the spiritual tones of the season, reminding us to be grateful for all we have and everyone we share it with. Giving us the ability to look at our lives with a higher perspective allows the soulful tones of Scorpio to transform us on the innermost of levels. Once the Moon moves into Sagittarius for the rest of the week, our focus will be on the future and what we hope to create and accomplish in the new year ahead. I wish everyone a joyful and safe holiday, as we bring 2024 to a close and make plans for a glowing future.... Read More
    Dominique Kajama featured Psychic of the week is Dominique. Dominique specializes in astrology, tarot, and intuition in her readings. She is committed to expanding your well-being and clarity, with spirit’s help. Increase your happiness, joy, authenticity, prosperity, success, expansion, and well-being with Dominique’s insight and guidance. Schedule a reading, check out her free ... Read More

  • The Rose Phoenix
    The Rose Phoenix, by Jenny Tyson (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) Ancient Greek philosophers identified a three-fold division of nature, by which they categorized the known world. These kingdoms are plant, animal, and mineral, and these three kingdoms form the basic divisions of the art of alchemy.1 The alchemical names for the operations and experiments related to each ... Read More
  • What Is Essential for Working Magic
    What Is Essential for Working Magic, by Donald Tyson (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) In my book Tarot Magic I demonstrate how it is possible to do ritual magic with nothing other than a pack of tarot cards. But what if you don’t have tarot cards? What if you don’t have anything to work with at all? Can you still do ritual magic? Yes, you can, because you still have ... Read More
  • How Base-12 Numerology Unlocks the Universal Wisdom of Twelve
    How Base-12 Numerology Unlocks the Universal Wisdom of Twelve, by Michael Smith (Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.) The Base-12 Connection Between Math, Nature, and Spirituality The number 12 serves many practical uses in our daily lives, including the way we track time (in twelve-hour clock cycles and years in twelve-month calendar cycles), measure length (in twelve inches ... Read More

  • Double Vision: He’s Indestructible and Wondering Why
    I’m trying to find out why I’m divinely protected. I’ll tell you why I ask. First, I should never have been born. My mom had had her tubes tied and burned, but I was conceived anyway. I almost killed her, so I was taken out at 24 weeks and wasn’t expected to live. (I was due 2/1/77 but was born on 11/9/76.) I don’t have enough space to tell you everything, but I ... Read More

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