Double Vision: How to Meditate in this Crazy World?


I can't seem to meditate, but I would love to learn. I have an extremely busy home with six children, and I also take care of an ill mother-in-law. I've tried a hot bath to relax, and I've tried listening to music, but it doesn't help - I always get interrupted. I would really like to get in touch with the spirit world as my Native American ancestors did. Do you have any advice on how to start meditating for people like me? Thank you so much!

- Gert


I can so relate to your "crazy world" way of living. I think anyone with children and responsibilities can understand. Here are some tips that may help you.

The first thing I highly recommend is an audio set called "The Inner Art of Meditation" by Jack Kornfield. It is for beginners, and it is VERY easy to understand. In the first part he explains all the history behind meditation, etc., and some people find this extremely boring. Once you get to the first exercise, however, it will move along quickly.

This audio program is very helpful, for he teaches you exactly what to do. If you can find 30 minutes after all the kids go to bed and it's quiet, then you can complete this audio set.

Meditation is not the only way to get in touch with the spiritual world, however. You could try just sitting in nature. I know that your Native American ancestors did that, and I know that being in nature is how I "meditate." I go and sit and listen to the wind, watch the birds, trees, grass and the sky. I watch water and fire and anything else that is around me in nature. It has a hypnotic power over me, and I can get lulled into the beauty of it all.

When I am "in tune" with all that is, I hear messages from Spirit. Nature is a quick spiritual fix for me. It brings me back to center. It makes me feel that I am part of all that is. It allows me to hear the voices of guides, angels and other beings that want to speak with me.

It worked the same way with your ancestors. If you put your hand on the ground, you can feel the energy coming up from the earth. THAT is what your ancestors used to find Spirit.

You might ask yourself what you're really seeking through meditation. You also might ask yourself what you want to have happen WHILE meditating. Make sure that you are not stuck in the belief that meditation will calm your entire being and make your day go smoothly. It can help, but you have to do the rest. I guess I am saying that meditation is not a "cure-all" or a tool for instant enlightenment, so stay open to other spiritual practices.

I also think that you need to set a new precedent in your house. If you give and give and give and do not recharge your own batteries, you will wind up empty and sick. You need to set aside some time for you, when no one is allowed to disturb you for any reason. Or you might set up the "Blue or Red Rule": If someone is turning blue or if there is blood or fire, then they can disturb you!

You have to take time for YOU to be a whole human. I wish you a total blending with All That Is.



Many busy people find it quite difficult to meditate. While all the "ladies" magazines tell us we just have to "carve out some time for ourselves" or "lock ourselves in the bathroom" or call a "Mommy time-out," sometimes those things aren't very practical. The only way you're going to find time to meditate undisturbed is to get up in the middle of the night when everyone else is sleeping, and that would probably leave you exhausted.

My best suggestion for you is to find a belly dancing class. If you have older daughters, they can go with you. Yes girls, I know I pimp this idea to you every chance I get, but if you've never tried it, you really can't imagine all the benefits of dancing.

Belly dancing is woman-centered: it was created by women FOR women over 2000 years ago. While meditation quiets the mind in STILLNESS, Belly Dancing takes active people away to a different dimension.

It's easy to do as well. A good side effect is toning and weight loss, but the BEST one is the sisterhood that develops in the "family" you'll build there. Throughout many cultures around the world, women have developed similar dances. Ancient cultures supported the relationships that women find through moving in unison together. One of my long dead teachers was ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE that by now, American men and women would find their Dance Center.

Your own Native American heritage promoted women dancing together too, but let's face it, in most small towns and cities in America, that type of folk dance class is difficult to find. ALL folk dances have common movements and themes, however, and belly dancing will release your Spirit in the same way. One difference with belly dancing is that you get to wear a pretty outfit. (I highly recommend Ebay for finding that!) From color to style, costuming can be another delightful, liberating experience.

"Oh, but Astrea, I don't have time or money for classes." NONSENSE! I'm talking about one hour a WEEK! Your big family can take care of each other for THAT LONG. If you honestly can't afford it, look at the YMCA or the parks and recreation department in your town for affordable options.

Also, dance teachers are understanding folks - perhaps you have a useful skill like sewing or beading that would be more useful than cash to your teacher. Sewing and beading are also forms of meditation for busy people. There's a side benefit of dancing right THERE!

You're already moving through space on an hourly basis for everyone ELSE - I think it's time you start moving a little bit for yourself!