NOVEMBER 3 - 9, 2014
Join me each week as I flip the cards and give you a general vibe of the week ahead through the lens of the Tarot!
Monday: Ace of Cups
Your emotional cup runneth over today as the Universe pours new opportunities to expand your family, introduce you to a new partner or get you on the path to fulfilling your life's passion. Your life's pregnant with all sorts of delicious possibilities now.
Tuesday: Strength
Put in the elbow grease into everything that you want to accomplish today. Sometimes you've got to be like a dog with a bone to see progress. With dedication and patience, your dreams are more than attainable. Just depends on how badly you want it. The Angels will reward you for staying strong and focused.
Wednesday: The Emperor
Have you been overly compromising and self sacrificing lately? Then it's time to boss up. You'll need to assert yourself to get your needs met at work or within your personal relationships. Get things structured and in perfect order.
Thursday: Temperance
Have faith because today you may be tested to see if you're truly deserving of the goodness to come. Practice patience and approach things with an eye to creating more balance and harmony in your life. Moderation is key in all things.
Friday: Five of Coins
As we prepare for the weekend, pay attention to what's missing in your life and where you may need to create more abundance. This is not the time to procrastinate or wait for a miracle to happen. Take action to shift out of this energy of lack and build a life that is truly prosperous.
Saturday: Two of Swords
Your vision may be unclear as you weigh the different options in front of you. So what do you do? It's simple. Get expert advice on the situation and then listen to your heart on the choice that best supports the direction you want to take.
Sunday: King of Wands
Another power player this week, the King of Wands helps you step into your power and take charge. When the King is ready to move on life's chessboard, no one can back him into a corner. Channel your inner King when you need a boost of confidence and strength. You can count on him blasting through any challenge and coming out on top.
Tarot Magic + Blessings!
Zuri Eberhart
Zuri Eberhart is a Florida based psychic intuitive and energy healer, bringing magic and clarity into the lives of men and women from across the globe. To schedule a private reading with her, contact Zuri at Image Credits: Vanessa Tarot used with permission by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.