Double Vision: Indigo Children


Do You Believe in Indigo Children?

I was surfing some New Age sites on the net the other day, and came across the terms “indigo children” and “crystal children.” The websites said that these children’s auras were either blue or crystalline, and that they represent the next generation of human evolution, as they are more spiritually aware and vibrate at a higher level than other people. Would you mind shedding more light on this subject? Do you believe in these ideas? If so, are all the children being born now indigo or crystal children? What are the main differences between them and other children? Thank you for your time.

 – L.


Do I believe that these ideas reflect real children? Absolutely. In fact, my son is a crystal child. I will try to sum up these concepts in a nutshell for you, but I encourage you to do more research on your own.

Crystal children tend to be loving, forgiving and very nurturing (especially towards younger kids and animals). They love cuddling, kissing, hugging and any kind of touch or holding, and are very affectionate with other kids and their parents as well. They seem to prefer nakedness, but, if they have to wear clothing, it had best be soft and natural cotton or silk in happy colors.

Crystals communicate telepathically and may have delayed speech development because of their telepathic abilities – they do not “need” to talk. They are very empathic, and will often ask others how they feel, and notice when loved ones are sick or sad. They demonstrate a strong desire to help others, especially other children in need. They will talk early about world issues such as peace, the environment, humanity, and world hunger, wanting to help; and they tend to have open healing abilities.

They are patient and laid back, and won’t raise their voices unless they have really had it with a situation. They have eyes that are soft, large and soul-searching. They may have food allergies or be picky when it comes to their food, though really they are just trying to discern which foods resonate with them.

They have strong fantasy lives and love creative play because they can see other worlds and dimensions. They like to play with stones and crystals, and love the water. They may also be fairly fearless, known for flinging themselves off things like picnic tables and jungle gyms, or running along narrow ledges.

Rainbow children have strong wills and personalities; are very high energy; are attuned to color and the color vibrations around them; are passionately creative; love bright clothing; and colorful environments; bubble over with enthusiasm for everything in life; and expect instant manifestation of whatever they think. They are frustrated by systems that are ritually oriented and don’t require creative thought, and they often see better ways of doing things. They will not respond to “guilt” discipline such as, “Wait until your father gets home and finds out what you did.” They are also not shy about letting you know what they need.

I wish you more knowledge of what is true!



The indigo children born over the last 100 years or so are now getting ready to take their places in society and make some huge positive changes. They are called indigo and crystal because of the colors of their auras.

These kids have lots of “third eye” energy in the chakra located inside the head between the eyebrows. This chakra regulates psychic abilities and gives these children the ability to “see” energy, visions and spirits. With the right encouragement, many of these children develop into very gifted psychics.

Most indigos were born in the early seventies, and are currently coming into their spiritual power and are finally able exercise their special abilities. Indigos have been born into every generation, and have entered the world as late as 2003. Since around 2000, more crystal children have been incarnating.

In my family, we have one indigo and one crystal child. My granddaughter is an Indigo – one of the last to be born. Her little cousin is a crystal child, though she is six months older.

The main difference in the two seems to be temperament. My indigo has the warrior spirit, which tries to trample old ways of thinking, while her cousin has Christ consciousness already developing within her, and is a most peaceful soul.

As they get older and take their places in the universe, their temperaments will blend, one into the other, and they’ll both be aware of who they are and what they can do for the world.

In my family, the use of psychic ability is encouraged and nurtured, so I’m sure these two will live up to their full spiritual potential. They have already developed a fine telepathy between them and the other family members who are open to that sort of thing.

If you have an indigo or crystal child in your own family, please do your best to help them grow on their spiritual path. They won’t stand for war, hunger and discord; they are going to actually change the way people think and feel and react to the world around them. If you apply yourself, you too can become part of the new enlightenment that these children are bringing into the world.

You see, even if people aren’t born indigo or crystal, by striving for the higher spiritual purposes in life, they can become one of those chosen to lead us into the next phase of human spiritual evolution. Anyone who is willing to work hard to achieve enlightenment can become part of the indigo/crystal family.

These kids are often diagnosed with ADD or ADHD. When medicated, they can lose their sensitivity. It takes an understanding family to develop the intense spiritual power of one of these children.

For more information on living with and assisting these children on their paths, I recommend books by Doreen Virtue.